Saturday, August 30, 2008

DV Lottery 2009 Photo

If you want to apply to DV Lottery 2009 your photo (also your eligible family members) must look like this photos, which are published by the state dept for the DV 2008.

Ok here are the Photo rules and requirements.
You can take a digital photograph or scan a photogrphic print with scanner to submit with your entry.

1. All the people who's names are in the entry form must submit each a separate photo as per requirements.You,Your spouse and each unmarried child of under 21 years of age, including all natural children as well as all legally-adopted children and stepchildren, and even if a child is no longer resides with you or you do not intend for a child to immigrate under the DV program,
2. Group photos not accepted.
3. Photo must be recently taken one. (normally within six months)
4. Photo can be digital or paper photo.

Backround deatils to take photo.

A neutral, light-colored background (Board or Wall) .
Note: Dark or patterned, curtain backgrounds are not acceptable.


The person must directly face the camera.
Head must be not tilt to side, up or down.

Photo must be in good focus.

You can wear heard gear only for religious believe.
Funny caps,sun glasses can't be worn.

How to scan a photographic photo.

The photo to be scanned, colour, must be 2 inches by 2 inches (50mm x 50mm) square.
Scan at a resolution of 150 dots per inch (dpi).
The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) group.
The image file size must be less than 62,500 bytes.
The image resolution must be 300x300 pixels.
Colour depth must be 24 - bit colour

How to take a new digital photo.

The image must be in the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) group.
The image file size must be less than 62,500 bytes.
The acceptable new digital image resolutions:
• 320 pixels high by 240 pixels wide.
Colour depth must be 24 - bit colour

It is not necessary to submit photos of children who are already U.S. citizen or Legal Permanent Resident.

Failure to submit the required photographs for your spouse and each child will result in an incomplete entry and will not be accepted, and must be resubmitted with all the photos.

Failure to enter the correct photograph of each individual into the E-DV system will result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas at the time of the visa interview.

At the interview you may loose your chance for visa, if the photo is old or touch up work done on the photo.

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